
log2rbac @ DevConf mini 22

If you have ever developed an operator pattern for Kubernetes, you have probably had to tweak your service account and assign it to a role. Setting up the RBAC correctly is not that hard, but it's not fun and it distracts you from the real problem the operator is about to solve. This often leads to assigning the cluster admin to the operator and neglecting the security altogether. Log2rbac is a tool (yet another operator) that aims to solve this issue. It assists you with setting up your RBAC roles that are tailored for your application's needs. Come to see this talk and learn more.
log2rbac DevConf kubernetes-operator kubernetes 2022

Polyglot Operators, Spark Operator @ 19

In this talk Jiri Kremser and Mike McCune will show a library for implementing the operator pattern for Kubernetes in JVM languages. The library has been used to develop an operator for deploying and managing Apache Spark clusters in Kubernetes. The talk will also feature a live-coding demo in which you will see how easy it is to create a new operator from scratch on your own.
spark DevConf openshift kubernetes-operator 2019

Blockchain Analysis @ DevConf 18

In this presentation I showed a simple way of leveraging Spark's GraphX and GraphFrames for analyzing the transaction graph of Bitcoin transactions. Real data was used.
spark DevConf openshift bitcoin 2018

Reactive Programming @ DevConf 16

The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a tool for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It's very powerful technique to avoid callback hell and it can be used both on the server side as well as for designing the user interfaces. It leverages the concepts from functional programming such as composable monadic functors, immutable state, etc. There are libraries for Rx to almost all modern languages (Java, .Net, JavaScript, C++, Scala, Android sdk, etc.) and the presentation will show the examples in multiple languages.
RX DevConf programming patterns 2016

Writing an internal DSL language in Scala

Have you ever wanted to write your own programming language? Why not to start with much simpler task - writing some domain specific language. Since the Scala programming language is a great fit for creating internal DSL, we will utilize its functional nature and implicit conversions, and together we will create a fluent API in form of a DSL. Scala noob? No worries! No previous Scala experience is needed, all the techniques will be explained during the workshop. It’ll be piece of cake if you know any modern programming language.
scala DevConf DSL programming 2014